Read more about Increasing the developable area around a landfill
New housing for Albertans. Municipalities can’t grow beyond their defined borders, and the remaining developable l…
New housing for Albertans. Municipalities can’t grow beyond their defined borders, and the remaining developable l…
ATCO's Urban Pipeline Replacement Project replaced and relocated high-pressure natural gas pipelines from densely popula…
With Calgary's northwest growing rapidly, the City of Calgary required a connection between the new communities of Evans…
The City of Surrey expects the sea level to rise by one meter by the year 2100. The City's Coastal Flood Adaptation Stra…
The Ross Street Underpass was a highly anticipated project to allow Salmon Arm pedestrians and motorists to cross under…
Preventing riverbank erosion. The Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band’s lands are located 35 km north of Kamloops…
Safely remediating and reopening a highway. A landslide in Saskatchewan’s Assiniboine River Valley forced the clos…
Improving transportation infrastructure in Ottawa. The City of Ottawa is widening a 2.5 km segment of Bank Street south…
The right site and the proper foundations. There are many considerations when designing a renewables project: site selec…
A major connection in Calgary. The new Stoney Trail bridge over the Bow River was built approximately 30 m west of the e…
Serving the Capital Regional District since the 1970s. The Capital Regional District (CRD) is the regional government fo…
Many bridges in Vancouver were not up to modern seismic standards. Vancouver is known for seismic activity and infrastru…
The Coastal GasLink project spans 670 kilometers. Once in service, it will deliver natural gas from northeastern BC to t…
Reducing staffing demands through automation. Our client operates two mining sites approximately 70 kms north of Fort Mc…
An in-house designed remedation system recovers groundwater contaminants. When our Alberta-based client needed to remedi…
When severe climactic events impact infrastructure, people, goods, and services are impacted. Consultants and contractor…
Our work on this important project led to an award-winning paper for Thurber. A landslide occurred along the North Saska…
Whatì is a First Nations community located about 164 kms from Yellowknife. It was previously mainly a fly-in comm…
Supporting Olympic dreams. The Richmond Speed Skating Oval is located on 32 acres of city-owned land at the southwest co…
Smooth landings and takeoffs. We work with airport clients and consultants across Canada and internationally to support…
The longest cable-stayed bridge in North America. The Gordie Howe International Bridge project is the largest and most a…
Faster, easier connections. The Ontario Line in Toronto will create faster, easier connections, and make travel within T…
Built in 1929, it's a part of Moose Jaw's history. The Thunderbird Viaduct was constructed in 1929, replacing a wooden s…
An oceanside community. Royal Bay is an oceanside community in Colwood, British Coumbia. Formerly a gravel quarry, it's…
A new ferry helps visitors and residents alike. The village of Marysville is a small community of 1,500 people located o…
A new community space in Vancouver. Construction of Vancouver’s Coal Harbour Phase II involves expanding the commu…
Solving a space challenge. When our oil sands client needed to expand their overburden waste storage area, they faced a…
Remote conditions and high mountain passes. The Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project (TMEP) twinned the existing pi…
How do you prevent an unstable slope from sliding? In the case of this roadway in the town of Peace River, Alberta, the…
A testament to Thurber's long-term client relationships In 1991, Grant MacEwan Community College (today it’s MacEw…
Innovative engineering solutions. Courtenay’s 5th Street Bridge is an important connector in the Comox Valley. Ori…
Revitalizing the heart of established Calgary communities. The City of Calgary's vision is "a great place to make a livi…
A 30+ year commitment. Thurber provided environmental monitoring on the site of a decommissioned refinery in the heart o…
Thurber has completed over 250 projects for BCMoTI. Our work has included geological hazard assessments, route selection…
5.4 million visitors in 2020. Kananaskis is a large, multi-use recreation region in Alberta extending from Highway 1A in…
280 meters above the Sunwapta River. Perched some 280 metres above the rushing Sunwapta River sits a glass floor observa…
Upgrades to a treacherous stretch of highway The Kicking Horse Canyon project transformed 21 kms of narrow, winding two-…
Snow fencing stabilizes snow in-place. This project was completed under a B.C. Ministry of Transportation & Infrastr…
Replacing a 69-year-old bridge A 69-year-old highway bridge provided the only connection across the Kitimat River betwee…
Reconnecting communities. In late March 2015, heavy rainfall on melting snow caused high volumes of surface runoff and h…