New and maintained municipal infrastructure keeps urban centres running smoothly. Aging pipes require upgrading, water and wastewater plants are built or expanded, and landfills must hold waste securely. Thurber plays a pivotal role in the success of municipal infrastructure.
Thurber supports the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure. Out services include reviewing tunnelling methods for underground pipes, environmental monitoring for landfills, vibration monitoring for major construction projects, and slope stability assessments. Our advanced laboratories test the strength and drainage capacity of soils and rocks to verify that the infrastructure can be built as designed.
Our experience include water dams, water and wastewater treatment plants, landfills, lagoons, flood protection infrastructure, water supply and effluent disposal pipelines/tunnels, highway maintenance yards, and power transmission lines.
Related Services
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Site Assessments
- Preliminary Environmental Site Investigations
- Detailed Environmental Site Investigation
- Record of Site Condition
- Environmental Site Classification
- Risk Assessment and Management
- Remediation
- Long-term Monitoring
- Decommissioning and Land Reclamation Planning
in Action

Bank Street widening in Ottawa
The City of Ottawa is widening a 2.5 km segment of Bank Street south of Leitrim Road from two to four lanes, including a raised median and modifications to signalized intersections complete with sidewalks and bike lanes. The reconstruction project will include installing and/or replacing linear infrastructure including watermains, storm sewers and sanitary forcemains, as well as culverts at stream crossings.
Thurber was the geotechnical, environmental, pavement, and hydrogeological consultant on the project. We provided pavement, subsurface, and bedrock investigation, and excess soils re-use assessment. We also provided a thorough hydrogeologic investigation of water taking and discharge requirements which included a pumping test program with monitoring at 25 locations, groundwater sampling, long-term groundwater level monitoring, a private well survey, and in-stream surface water monitoring.