

Connecting People and Communities

Providing the groundwork for transportation infrastructure

From flat prairies to steep mountains, our team provides transportation solutions to meet the local environment. This includes route selection for new roadways, geohazard assessment and mitigation for busy highways, and metal leaching/acid rock drainage to protect the nearby environment.

As a project moves into construction, we provide the ground-related solutions that bring a transportation project to life including assessing slope stability, designing bridge foundations, guiding excess soil management, and reviewing tunneling methods. We also provide pavement design and testing, pavement rehabilitation solutions, and construction materials selection for resilient, environmentally-friendly infrastructure.

Our team works with provincial and federal governments, municipalities, railways, and private owners to address many of the challenges that impact transportation infrastructure.

We are experienced in highways, railways, bridges, pathways, seaports, airports, and urban light-rail transit.

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Transportation Services

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in Action

Post construction showing the remedial works

Peace River Shop Slide

A slowly-moving, deep-seated landslide impacted a highway near Peace River, Alberta. Thurber conducted a comprehensive geotechnical investigation and developed a mitigation solution involving a cast-in-place concrete pile wall combined with slope off-loading and drainage improvements. The project has stabilized the slope and protected the roadway, pedestrian pathway, and CN rail line. In 2023, Thurber's work on this project received a Consulting Engineers of Alberta Award of Merit for Transportation Infrastructure - Transportation Structures.