Excess Soils: what and why?

What happens to all the soil excavated during a construction project? What if there’s too much? Should it go to a landfill or a reuse site? What happens with crushed rock or liquid soils?

Canadian provinces generate millions of cubic metres of excess soil each year. To address the challenges of managing these soils and look for opportunities for reuse, Ontario and British Columbia have introduced regulations regarding the characterization and management of soils.

It’s all a bit complex, but we’re here to help our clients navigate the rules and regulations of excess soil management. We help with:

  • Assessment of past uses of the project area
  • Sampling and Analysis Plans
  • Soil Characterization Reports
  • Excess Soil Destination Assessment Reports
  • Soil Management Plans
  • Characterizing soil quality and assessing geotechnical properties of soil to identify on-site and off-site reuse options
  • Delineating contaminated soils and different soil types within a project area
  • As Qualified Persons (QPs), interpreting legislation and providing practical guidance on how to meet the requirements

Contact us today to find out how you can ensure you're meeting your province's excess soil regulations.
